Links 2021-03

1 minute read

Interesting readings of the month

In this post Jessica Livingston, Y Combinator co-founder and partner, goes over her experience in creating Y combinator and how she contributed to its success. Being Y Combinator main goal making start-ups successful in the article she focuses on what skills allowed her to contribute as a founder and how she thinks these are the skills any founder should keep in mind.

Nice high-level overview on the tools available to enhance Jupyter Notebooks and make them more software development friendly. Few interesting tools/extensions are mentioned. Such as nbstripou, a tool that will allow you to only see through git diff only the changes done in the commands within a notebook, rather than the unreadable blob that you will see by default. Or nbdev, Papermill, which should allow you to parameterize a notebook and effectively turn it into something that could be used as a layer in a pipeline.

Time taken to write post: 20 minutes


Backpressure for dummies

14 minute read

A toy example showing how lacking backpressure may lead to failures and how to add it.

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2021 Review

25 minute read

Looking back at 2021 to look forward at 2022

Links 2021-03

1 minute read

Interesting readings of the month

Links 2021-02

6 minute read

Interesting readings of the month

Links 2021-01

3 minute read

Interesting readings of the month

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The value of writing

15 minute read

Considerations on how practicing writing can help improving how we communicate and how we think

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